Black Chalk Paint For Dresser Finishes

When you’re shopping for a black chalk paint recipe, you’ll find that there are many different options out there. If you want a permanent effect, however, using a pigment based paint is a great way to go. This means that it will stay on the surface longer and you won’t have to worry about repainting often. Since black chalk can be harsh on the eyes and skin, if you use too much you may experience some minor skin irritation. You may also want to consider trying an experiment where you mix white chalk with turps or chalk dust. This mixture can create a beautiful, unusual look that’s still black on the outside.

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If you have a white or beige colored dresser, there are a few things you can try to distress it, without damaging the finish on the actual dresser. First, be sure that the stain is completely clean and gently sanded. If it’s not necessary to actually sand down the surface, 220 grit sandpaper will suffice to remove a bit of the topcoat. (Chalk Paint is available in three different concentrations; low, medium and high; the higher concentration is generally recommended for use on wood surfaces because it gives a better finish.)

After you’ve sanded the surface to bare wood, use a very fine-grit and oil-free cloth to buff it, which will loosen up any dirt or dust particles. Once you’ve done that, coat the piece in more athenian black wax and let it dry. While that’s still wet, apply another coat of black wax. The final step is to prime and paint the item again. You can choose to leave the item plain of personalizing it by adding a stencil or simply by painting it in.