Can Everyone Drink Rainwater?

Is rainwater safe for everyone in your house?

It is common knowledge that your body loses a large amount of water from natural activities like exercise, working, bowel moving, and so on. The sensible way to replace the liquid losses is by drinking more water to keep your body hydrated and functioning properly.
Many people in big countries are used to getting the water intake from their tap, well, spring, as well as purest bottled water. But then, you might have formal information that recommends you the rainwater instead.

Again, is it safe for you and your family?

In a nutshell, drinking the rainwater won’t make you ill or die. It is safe to drink the rainwater as long as it is clean and free from contaminants. The good fact here is that the rainwater has been the most relevant source of water intake for many countries across the globe. But not all rainwater is safe to drink.

There are some factors where the contaminants in the air can affect the quality of the rainwater. And when the consumers proceed in drinking it, it will bring such huge risks to their health. The impurities in the rainwater can contain harmful bacteria, viruses, and even parasites that are the last thing you want to take orally.
The rainwater that falls into polluted environments can meet with the contaminants. In this case, you will want to avoid that kind of rainwater from the equation.

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Although the clean rainwater is safe to consume, it can easily be contaminated when falling to the polluted areas.
There are some variables to pay attention to, including the area of the rainwater, air pollution levels, the available collecting tools, storage system, and so on.

Some biological contaminants like bacteria, parasites, or viruses can be handled by boiling the water. But it does not guarantee that your rainwater will be 100% free from the contaminants. There might be the chemical procedure needed to make it clean and safe to drink. If the water contains heavy metals, it is important to use the advanced water filtration system to purify the water.

If you don’t have a good amount of resources, tools, and/or set of skills to carry the water purification by yourself, it does not hurt to use your rainwater for other purposes such as bathing, gardening, and others. In some states, there are also regulations about the rainwater collection activities. So, you will want to check the information with your local authority first.

When we talk about the rainwater consumption in this modern world, gone are the days where ancestors could collect the rainwater straight from the sky. It does not work anymore in today’s environment. If you are living in a city, you can dream about collecting the purest rainwater from the rooftop of your apartment. It is not recommended to collect and drink rainwater unless you are sure that these are safe to drink. But there’s a more convincing approach to drink rainwater for your wellness. The easy answer for you is to take bottled rainwater from the top brand such as heartwater.