Important Parts of a Dissertation

Creating a dissertation is not an easy task. The first step is to find a supervisor, who will be a crucial part of the process. The supervisor should be knowledgeable about the field of study you are working on. He or she will advise you on ethical and legal issues and the overall structure of the dissertation. There are several parts to a dissertation, but the main ones are discussed below. The following are important components of a dissertation:


An abstract: This is a summary of the main points in a dissertation. It typically includes three to five paragraphs and is typically 300 words long. It is placed at the beginning of the dissertation, so that people can see what it’s about before reading the rest of the document. Generally, the abstract will include the aims and objectives of the research and provide an explanation of key terms. In the following paragraphs, you’ll need to include a list of references.

A bibliography: This section contains a list of all the works that were read during the research phase. This includes works that were not cited in the body of the dissertation, but are still relevant to the topic. In some departments, a bibliography and reference page may be combined. A referencing page contains non-textual materials, such as questionnaires, consent forms, and covering letters. It may also contain original statistical analysis. A good dissertation has all of these components.

A conclusion: A conclusion should address the findings of the research and provide a summary of the findings. If there are any unexpected results, it’s important to justify why. If the study’s results contradict existing knowledge, it should be discussed in a separate chapter, whereas the discussion should be the final chapter. When the topic is important, it’s also important to include a conclusion. So, the final chapter of a dissertation should include some form of discussion and evidence.

The bibliography should be consistent and complete. It should include all the sources cited in the dissertation and not just those that you cited in the paper. A bibliography is a list of all the works that were read but not consulted. It should also include non-textual materials, such as blank questionnaires and cover letters. This includes original statistical analysis. In general, the references are a vital part of a dissertation. The reference list must be clear, concise, and follow the style of the dissertation.

The bibliography contains the names of all the works that you’ve read and cited. Some departments allow the combination of the bibliography and reference pages, but a good one should be separate. There are two types of citations: a bibliography is a list of the works that you’ve read but didn’t cite, and a reference page is a list of books that you’ve purchased. The latter can contain non-textual materials, such as blank questionnaires, consent letters, or cover letters.