Possible Complications of Pregnancy

It is common for a woman to experience ovulation at different times throughout her menstrual cycle. This can happen even though she has taken oral contraceptives or used other birth control measures. When ovulation does occur it can often cause spotting and bleeding as well as discomfort during intercourse or when performing normal bodily functions such as wearing a bra. However, there are times when ovulation doesn’t occur and pregnancy may occur instead.

pregnancy miracle

Other possible complications that can occur after conception occur due to implantation of the embryo inside the mother’s womb. The events that result in pregnancy start with fertilization, where a viable sperm penetrates an unfertilized egg. The fertilized egg (known as a zygote) is then transferred to the uterus by the woman’s fallopian tubes to become lodged in it. The placenta then becomes the host for the developing fetus, which forms the baby. When preterm labor occurs after this time period, it is known as post-partum or preterm infants born before their expected date of delivery.

In some cases, a pregnant woman may experience problems with the placenta, which can cause preterm birth or even fetal growth problems. Sometimes, premature delivery occurs because the fertilized egg is misshaped before it reaches the uterus. This can be life-threatening because the fetus may block the breathing passages of the mother. When this happens, the woman is left unable to nurse the infant until labor arrives. Sometimes, due to preterm labor, the infant does not receive enough nutrition and may not survive until the birth of the mother.