Rollover Accidents Involve Serious Injuries

People who operate trucks, buses, or vans are exposed to rollover accidents more often than other road users. The majority of rollover incidents involve large vehicles that travel at higher speeds on busy roadways. When large trucks are rolling over, their large tires can easily lose traction and cause the vehicle to unexpectedly tip over. Rollover accidents also frequently occur when large vans or other vehicles are backing up. If one vehicle is pulling into a turn, other vehicles may accidentally be thrown off balance or get stuck. All of these situations increase the odds of rollover accidents happening to the driver and passenger of a truck, bus, van, or passenger car.

types of SUV rollovers

Rollover accidents involving large trucks and buses cause the most serious injuries, followed by crush injuries, head injuries, fractures, and internal injuries such as bruising, nerve damage, or paralysis. The probability of serious injury increases dramatically when vehicles are traveling at high speeds. In addition, rollover accidents involving multiple vehicles tend to be more lethal than single vehicle rollover crashes.

Rollovers occur more frequently in large sums, since large vehicles travel at higher speeds. passenger cars, suvs, trucks, buses, and SUVs are more susceptible to rollover accidents when compared to minivans. Many drivers who operate trucks, SUVs, buses, vans, and cars are likely to roll over if they are involved in an accident. Drivers may underestimate the risk of rollover when operating vehicles with large tires, but high-speed collisions involving multiple vehicles can lead to severe injury or even death. Drivers should also pay attention to vehicles that are equipped with automatic roll bars.

Rollover crashes involve more fatalities than other types of vehicle crashes, mainly because rollovers involve the head and spine. Some experts believe that rollover crashes are more common in traffic environments where drivers have limited visibility. Highway deaths involving rollovers are typically due to lack of visibility to the driver, other vehicles, or the roadway. Teenagers and inexperienced drivers are particularly at a greater risk of rollover crashes, as they may not always know how to properly control their vehicles. Additionally, some teen drivers lack sufficient balance, agility, and maneuverability to prevent a rollover.

In addition to the most common injuries resulting from rollover accidents, other passengers may also suffer serious injuries in cases where rollovers occur. Severe burns may result from the contact of flames coming from the wreckage of a vehicle in the aftermath of a rollover accident. Other passengers may be thrown out of the vehicles, while others may be injured during the ejection from the broken-down vehicle. Most serious injuries from rollover crashes usually involve the head, as it is the largest organ of the body and often becomes injured during such accidents. It is important to remember that all vehicle occupants are more at risk of being injured during a rollover crash, as opposed to other types of vehicle crashes.