The most evident indication of sleep apnea can be the snoring that

Sleep Apnea is a common sleep disorder that is affecting more than 12 millions Americans and is currently nearly as prevalent as diabetes in adults.

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The most common type of sleep apnea is called obstructive sleeping apnea. It is, as the name implies is caused by an obstruction of the airways that causes breathing problems. There is a third type of sleep apnea, known as central sleep apnea where the brain is unable to regulate breathing properly during sleep. In addition, some suffer with mixed sleep apnea that is a mix of both central and obstructive types of the disorder.

Sleep apnea symptoms can be seen at any time , and, though they are usually found in overweight people older than forty but they can also be observed both in females and males at any age, and are becoming more prevalent in children.

The most evident indication of sleep apnea can be the snoring that is hard to identify by yourself. It is more likely to be identified by your sleeping partner. Snoring can be caused by a variety of factors and the fact that you are the snoring itself isn’t an indication that you suffer from sleep apnea. The majority of sleep apnea sufferers however sleep soundly.

The most prominent indication is fatigue during the daytime. Sleep apnea can cause the breath to stop often during sleep. The body’s natural response is to wake you up just enough to allow you to begin breathing normally but not enough to make you conscious that you’re being awakened. The result is that your sleep is fragile and constantly interrupted, and you don’t get the restful sleep your body requires to replenish its batteries. Because of this as time passes you begin to notice that you’re getting more exhausted and tired throughout the day.

If sleep apnea goes untreated, its effects will start to manifest and additional symptoms will begin to show up. This could include headaches (especially early in the morning) or irritability. It could also be a sign of depression. It is also possible that you’re starting to gain weight.

Another less well-known indication of sleep apnea is an increased blood pressure, which could lead to a variety of cardiovascular issues. It will be detected when you’re among the increasing number of people who are now monitoring their own blood pressure at home, but it will not be noticed until you go through a routine physical exam with the doctor’s office.

Another symptom is that of growing difficulty in learning and issues with memory retention. This isn’t something you can easily detect, but other people may be able to tell that you’re not as fast in your learning as you were previously.

In the end, sufferers of sleep apnea will experience the loss of sexual function and can cause impotence.

With many ailments, the one’s symptoms alone can be an indication of any condition. If you begin to notice these symptoms appearing together, then you ought to think about speaking with your physician and thinking about having a sleep test for apnea.

A word of caution however. Sleep apnea test will usually involve referral to a specialist, particularly one that is accredited through the American Board of Sleep Medicine (ABSM) This may require an overnight sleep test in a sleep lab or at your home. This type of test can cost more than $1,000, and you must consult your insurance company prior to signing up to a plan of sleep apnea examination.