The treatment for chronic leukemia is dependent on the individual patient

Leukemia is one of the most dangerous forms of cancer that is a major cause of death for thousands of people each year. It has an effect on the white blood cells. In the process, our body is unable to control over the quality and quantity of blood cells. Consequently, it is more vulnerable since those cells that make up the blood are meant to guard our bodies against infections. There are two major kinds of leukemia namely chronic and acute leukemia. The acute leukemia is the most dangerous because it is more rapid in spreading however chronic leukemia can be difficult because it comes with practically no symptoms.

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The first organ damaged by the chronic form of leukemia, is the bone. The bone Marrow is a bone-like tissue that is located in the most important bones of the body, and it is responsible for making the blood cell (red blood cells ) and white blood cells).

White blood cells are the protectors to the entire body. They are present everywhere in the blood . They fight and neutralize all kinds of bacteria that is introduced into the body, and can be harmful.

When a patient suffers from chronic leukemia those white blood cells in the blood of the patient are not effective and constantly produced. Normal people should not have more than 10000 white blood cell white those with leukemia may exceed 100000 however, despite having so many, the immunity to diseases is diminished because the majority of the cells are not functioning properly.

A characteristic for chronic leukemia the fact that patients with this disease have also a smaller number of red blood cell.

The reasons behind all forms of leukemia are not known and doctors are unable to determine what causes people to develop this disease while others do not. However, researchers have discovered factors that increase the risk of getting sick with leukemia. Radiation exposure is one of these. an important role. Many people who were exposed to radiation were diagnosed with leukemia shortly afterward. Additionally, a defect in genes may cause blood cells to change, and it could be a genetic cause. The cause as well as risk factors being investigated.

The problem with the chronic form of leukemia is usually does not show any symptoms that could provide the patient with an idea about the severity of his illness. It’s usually discovered through routine laboratory tests. Many people with chronic leukemia complained of the general feeling of fatigue and weakness. As the disease progresses blood may begin to flow out of the nose or the gums at random as the body is weaker and its defenses are reduced the leukemia sufferers can be easily cured and are frequently affected by foreign microorganisms.

The treatment for chronic leukemia is dependent on the individual patient. Following diagnosis, a series of tests is conducted to determine the type of treatment the patient is responding to. Chemotherapy is commonly used in circumstances. The number of patients who are treated for chronic leukemia is growing as time goes by, but there’s a large amount of people who are victims as well.

The latest treatments and drugs are being investigated by scientists and doctors, and the rate of survival is increasing and it is possible that in the near-term future, chronic leukemia will be more manageable.